A Complex Universe

universe 2 “The world was created so that what is seen
is made out of things which do not appear”
Saint Paul


1 – Profusion

When entering the realm of Eternons, we are immediately confounded by their profusion. Actually, the size of the universe as well as the number of its parts are beyond human understanding.

Dealing with large figures, scientists have created a special notation. They indicate the number of zeros instead of writing them all. Thus, 109 represents 1 followed by nine zeros. It is less clumsy to handle than 1,000,000,000. Let us use this notation as we look at some staggering cosmic numbers.

First, from the immensity of the heavens:

  • The closest star from the Sun is at 25 x 1012 miles, that is twenty five million million miles.
  • Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has a diameter of about 6 x 1017 miles.
  • There are about 1022 stars in 1011 galaxies.

Then, to the smallness of the Eternon world:

  • A grain of sand is made of 1036 particles; remember, that is thirty six zeros!
  • A tiny bubble of air contains more particles than the 1022 stars in the whole universe.
  • A human is the reunion of some 1014 cells.
  • A cell as small as four hundred thousandth of an inch may contain 1011 electrons.

These numbers are rather impossible to comprehend. They merely tell us that creation operates on a scale that is not ours. We should not attempt to grasp its mysterious ways using the measures of our ordinary experience.


2 – Intangibility

At this stage, we are tempted to picture everything as made from minuscule grains. But what may be the size of Eternons if it takes so many of them to make a single of these grains? Is there any way we could apprehend it?

Let us start by observing atoms. Those of our body, for instance. We know they form a compact mass. We feel it when we pinch our flesh or try to enter a needle into it. When we plunge our hand in a bucket, it does not absorb water like a sponge. We have no doubt that we are made of dense matter. Yet, it is an illusion.

Our atoms are far smaller than the smallest dust of the finest talcum powder, and they are immensely distant one from the other. If we could grow so huge that our extended arm would touch the sun, almost 100 million miles away, our gigantic body would appear to be made of speckles floating at thirty feet from each other. These speckles, a mere one hundredth of one inch, would be the nuclei of our atoms.

Even magnified so immensely, our body structure would not reveal any Eternon. Continuing to grow, we would eventually see countless subatomic particles, some not yet discovered by physicists. Even then, we would still be unable to behold a single Eternon.

All this, because Eternons are not material grains, but specks of energy. By our common standard, Eternons have no size and occupy no space. We only perceive them when they are assembled and materialized into the particles that create the manifest world.


3 – Assembly

Eternons interact and gather in structures. Atoms, cells, stones, trees, humans, stars, all are structures. Complex structures are made of simpler substructures. For example, a cell is composed of a membrane, an internal fluid, various inclusions, and a nucleus. If we observe, say, the nucleus, we see that it has its own membrane, its own internal fluid, and its own inclusions.

Every structure is an assembly of smaller structures, which are themselves an assembly of smaller structures, which are themselves… and so forth. Eventually, as we end our descent into the microcosm, we meet basic Eternons who are pure energy quanta and are made of nothing else.

This organization of encased structures is a common trait for everything in the universe. As humans, we are made of systems, in turn made from organs made from tissues made from cells. Ultimately, we are made of Eternons, we are Eternons. Even our society, whose complexity is greater than any of its individual members, may be considered an Eternon mega-structure.

Some like to picture such arrangements as pyramids. The base, the simplest level, has many elements. The top, the most complex level, has a single one. A more appropriate representation of Eternon structures would be the nesting of spheres within spheres. As they become smaller, these spheres concentrate more information and consciousness. At their center, is a single Lead Eternon: the most conscious of all.

The striving of Eternons to combine their energy is the fuel for creation. It leads to the construction and materialization of elaborate structures. Yet simple principles suffice to explain all we see in the universe.


4 – Hierarchy

Eternism calls consciousness the ability of every Eternon to use information memorized during its cosmic experiences. For some Eternons, consciousness is hardly noticeable. For others, it sums up billions of years in ever more intricate structures. All possible levels of consciousness are found in between.

Although the number of Eternons within the simplest structure is immense, there is always a single Eternon with the highest level of consciousness. This Lead Eternon is responsible for the coming together and the harmony of the whole structure.

Just as there is a Lead Eternon for each structure, there is one for each substructure, and also one for each group of structures. For instance, Eternons gather into particles, the Lead Eternons of these particles join to form atoms, then the Lead Eternons of these atoms assemble into more complex compounds, and so forth.

As complexity increases, the number of similar structures diminishes. Our body contains innumerable atoms, trillions of cells, but only six hundred muscles, two hundred bones and a mere one hundred organs, including a single brain. Advanced Lead Eternons in he whole universe are few compared to staggering number of much simpler Eternons.

An aggregate should not be confused with a structure. An aggregate is a large gathering of Eternons, all with the same elementary consciousness. We would not find a high level Lead Eternon in a cloud, a glass of wine, or a block of steel. This type of aggregate has no hierarchy and can be divided successively into many identical parts. By contrast, a molecule, a cell, a flower, a bird, a human, will not survive such divisions. Each is a hierarchy of differentiated Eternons. Each has a single Lead Eternon representing the overall consciousness of the whole hierarchy.

We humans are accustomed to hierarchies where consciousness is of little importance. Many segments of our society tend to be organized according to strength or wealth. But, as prophets and sages have argued, fundamental values have nothing to do with power and riches. Eternons look beyond their short-lived incarnations as humans and seek everlasting enlightenment. Theirs, is a hierarchy of spirituality and nearness to the Absolute.


5 – Memory

If Eternons can memorize past experiences, where and how do they keep this information? Do they have a brain? Are they some kind of electronic chip? Our technologies are inspired by the Eternons who make us. A look at such technologies gives us a hint of the Eternon way.

For centuries, only our  human mind could memorize a melody. Then, we   invented conventional symbols on paper. Later, it was the turn of sculpted grooves on records and magnetized patterns on tapes. Today, we have mastered the art of memorizing sounds, pictures, and much more, into digital form. Actually, the entire information contained in the universe can be coded in such digital fashion.

A book in Chinese uses several thousand different ideograms. Its translation in English requires eighty characters. But two digits only, 0 and 1, suffice to represents all the Chinese and English texts of the world.

For instance if we convert the alphabet as follows: a=0, b=1, c=10, d=11, and so on, the word “cab” reads: 10 0 1. Ultimately, any word can be a succession of digits composed of 1’s and 0’s. Digital technology, found in computers, compact discs, smart phones, etc.,  uses such two-sign, or binary, language.  Binary language is the language of Eternons.

There is fascinating symbolism in the fact that the universe may be represented merely by “1” and “0”, by being and void, by light and darkness. In truth, this symbolism has its roots in the Eternon reality. The memory of Eternons is light,  a light that vibrates and stores information in binary patterns.

With the phenomenon of light, we meet again mind-boggling numbers. Visible light, the only one our eyes perceive, is a blend of electromagnetic pulsations repeating some 1014 times per second. Yes, over a hundred thousand billion vibrations every second! Light truly has an immense coding capacity. Enough, at any rate, for an Eternon to “memorize” its entire perception of the universe.

Myths and religions proclaim that light is life. Eternons, ethereal particles of cosmic light, surely agree. And with them, expressions such as “enlightenment,” or “luminous insight” take on their real significance.


6 – Communication

The cosmic adventure of Eternons rests upon the communication skill of its participants. Eternons with similar levels of consciousness can share memory contents. This ensures the cohesion of the structure to which they belong. Eternons with different levels of consciousness do not fully exchange their memory contents. Instead, those more advanced are able to “read” the memories of those less advanced. Thus, in every structure, information flows from the base to the top, or from the edge to the core. It eventually ends with the Lead Eternon responsible for the whole structure.

This sounds extraordinary, but recent findings about the behavior of subatomic particles confirm the surprising abilities of Eternons to handle information. Physicists have verified that separate particles, having no means of communicating that we know of, act as though each was instantly informed of the others’ whereabouts. Experiments have also shown that certain particles “sense” the presence of an energy field without ever interacting with it.

Whether they are quanta of energy, fields of force, or particles of matter, Eternons are involved in an endless exchange of information. Communication is the bonding that holds the Eternon universe together. A glance at our present-day society makes it obvious that for us too, communication is the key to survival and progress.

We have become experts at managing electromagnetic waves. We send messages to distant worlds and listen to remote galaxies. We converse with cosmonauts circling the Earth. We have even created a new layer around our planet, the “e-sphere,” a cocoon woven by the orbits of our electronic communication satellites.

Our constant exchange of information allows many to share the knowledge of a few. This sharing, in turn, elevates our collective consciousness and leads to greater harmony. Here again, our growing human skills in communicating reflect the science of our cosmic makers.


7 – Progress

Computers display memory within their chips, hierarchy among their electronic components, and communication between their various parts. But they have no real consciousness. They execute. They do not conceive.

Eternon, on the other hand, not only display memory, hierarchy, and communication, but they create ever more complex structures. In doing so, they expand their individual awareness, raise the level of their combined consciousness, and move closer to the Absolute, their origin and ultimate goal.

Take the simple Lead Eternon of a protein. It has some basic consciousness. It knows how to organize and supervise the array of other Eternons that form its molecule. If it joins a more complex structure, say a plant cell, it will have the opportunity to raise its consciousness. Through similar moves, it may learn to lead a gene, a whole organ, an entire human. And as nothing limits the actuation of Eternons to planet Earth, it may even come to lead some advanced being from another world.

Physicists consider that the universe is ruled by what they call the Law of Entropy. In plain words: everything tends to fall apart because it requires less energy to degrade than to create. For Eternism, however, another law steadfastly opposes the dismal notion of entropy. It is the Law of Enlightenment. Against an ineluctable material decay, there is a constant spiritual elevation. Far from plunging toward nothingness, we, as Eternons, are rising toward plenitude.